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Directors’ interests in shares, warrants and debentures
The following Directors, who held offce at the end of the fnancial year, had, according to the register of Directors’ shareholdings required to be
kept under Section 164 of the Singapore Companies Act, Chapter 50, an interest in shares of the Company as stated below:
Direct interest
Deemed interest
Name of Director
At the
beginning of
financial year
At the
end of
financial year
At the
beginning of
financial year
At the
end of
financial year
Ordinary shares of the Company (‘000)
Han Keen Juan
Lim Tao-E William
Chow Hui Shien
Ong Chin Lin
Wong Ming Kwong
There was no change in any of the above-mentioned interests between the end of the fnancial year and 21 April 2014.
Except as disclosed in this report, no Director who held offce at the end of the fnancial year had interests in shares, share options, warrants or
debentures of the Company, or of related corporations, either at the beginning or at the end of the fnancial year or as at 21 April 2014.
On 9 September 2010, the Company issued 28,020,000 warrants at an issue price of $0.05 for each warrant, each warrant carrying the right
to subscribe for one new ordinary share in the capital of the Company at an exercise price of $0.10 for each new share, on the basis of three
warrants for every ten shares of the Company, fractional entitlements to be disregarded.
As at 31 March 2014, 27,974,700 warrants have been exercised and converted into ordinary shares of the Company (2013: 27,497,700).
The warrants had expired on 6 September 2013. As at 31 March 2014, there were no outstanding warrants (2013: 522,300); and the total number
of shares that may be issued on conversion of all outstanding warrants is Nil (2013: 522,300).
Annual Report 2014