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Song Yeow Chung
Group Financial Controller
Song Yeow Chung, who joined the Group in January 2010,
is responsible for the Group’s full spectrum of fnancial and
taxation functions, including fnancial accounting, management
accounting, budgeting and forecasting, statutory reporting to
relevant authorities in all jurisdictions that the Group operates in
as well as internal controls and compliance with corporate, legal,
tax, and accounting requirements. He has more than 10 years of
experience in fnancial auditing and accounting.
Prior to joining the Group, he held the position of fnance manager
with a company which was previously listed on the SGX-ST
Mainboard. He is a member of the Institute of Certifed Public
Accountants of Singapore and graduated with a Bachelor of
Accountancy (Honours) from Nanyang Technological University.
Ng Lee Huang
Purchasing Manager
Ng Lee Huang joined the Group in 1987 and is responsible for
overseeing the purchasing processes and ensuring that the
purchases of materials, supplies and services comply with the
exacting standards and procedures established by the Group.
Prior to assuming her current position as Purchasing Manager in
January 2010, she was the Group’s Production Manager, where she
was responsible for the production processes of the Group.
Ngoh Kin Wee
Overseas Business Support Manager
Ngoh Kin Wee joined the Group in 1987 and is responsible for
overseeing the operational requirements of the Group’s overseas
business units. Prior to assuming his current position as Overseas
Business Support Manager in July 2013, he was the Group’s
Production Manager, where he was responsible for overseeing
the production processes and ensuring that they comply with the
stringent standards and procedures established by the Group.
Philip Chow Phee Liat
Franchise and Logistics Manager
Philip joined the Group in 2005 and is responsible for overseeing the
franchise operations of the Group since April 2005, and the logistics
operations of the Group since January 2010. As Franchise and
Logistics Manager, he is responsible for franchise development in
overseas markets as well as inventory management, coordination
and planning of the Group’s logistics capacities.
Annual Report 2014